
Foods That Are Toxic and Dangerous for Pets

Most Americans consider their pets a part of the family. They take them on vacation, buy them Halloween costumes, and can’t stand the thought of hurting them in any way. Unfortunately, poison is a serious concern for many pet owners. It may tug at your heart when Fido tilts his head and asks for a scrap off your plate, but do you know how the foods you are eating can affect your pet? Many common household drugs, cleaners, and foods can have a devastating effect on your animal.

Keep Your Pets Safe from Toxic Foods

Before you toss your dog some scraps or throw your cat a piece of chocolate, pay close attention to the following foods that can be poisonous or toxic to any pet.

As a general rule, it’s better to keep your pet on a strict diet with foods that is designed specifically for them. Although it’s tempting to throw treats their way, you may be doing more harm than good.

Household Items That Are Toxic to Pets

It’s not just foods that can harm your pets; household cleaning items can also be extremely harmful to their health. The following items should be locked up and kept away from pets at all times:

Just like children, pets may not understand their boundaries, and it’s often necessary to protect them from their own curiosity by locking up cleaners and chemicals.

Want Your Pet to Live Longer?

According to a study done by a pet health insurance company, certain plants and foods are more likely to be involved in pet poisoning claims. These include raisins and grapes, mushrooms, walnuts, hydrangea flowers, macadamia nuts, and onions, to name a few.

You love your pet, and you want them to have everything they want. Unfortunately, the task is given to you to decide what is good for them and what is not. Make sure you are educated about things that may seem harmless but can be extremely toxic to your pets.