
5 Healthier Alternatives to White Bread

Are you trying to decide between multigrain, whole wheat or rye bread? There are so many different types of bread on the supermarket shelves that it can be difficult to know which type of bread is best for you and your family.

White bread made from refined white flour acts a lot like sugar once the body starts to digest it. Therefore, just like sugar, refined starches interfere with glucose control and should be avoided by those with diabetes. White bread can cause blood sugar spikes or increase your risk of diabetes complications.

Here are Top 5 Healthy Alternative to White Bread:

1. Whole Wheat

Whole wheat bread is a type of bread made using flour that is partly or entirely milled from whole or almost-whole wheat grains.
To assure you get more nutrition in each bite, look for wheat breads that are made mostly with whole-wheat flour.  Read the label carefully to determine if it is made with whole-grain wheat flour or just wheat flour.
A 2012 study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that higher intakes of whole-grain breads can improve blood sugar control and reduce heart-hampering inflammation.

2. Rye

Made with varying portions of rye grain and flour, rye bread, particularly dark rye bread, has a low glycemic index. Eating foods with a low glycemic index sustains a more even distribution of blood glucose and allows the pancreas to function more efficiently. Some of the other benefits of eating rye include a decreased risk of diabetes, diverticulitis, cardiovascular disease constipation, cancer and gallstones. Another added benefit of rye is that it helps with weight loss.

3. Pumpernickel

Traditional pumpernickel is made with coarsely ground rye flour (and perhaps some wheat flour) and is fermented with sourdough starter.
Pumpernickel bread is extremely low in fat and generally cholesterol free and provides niacin, thiamin and riboflavin, essential vitamins for metabolism. Pumpernickel also contains the minerals calcium and magnesium which are essential for building strong bones.

4. Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread has a low glycemic index which means it doesn’t spike blood sugar as much as other breads. Even though it’s made from white flour, sourdough bread has a mild effect on blood sugar compared to other white breads.
Making sourdough produces a beneficial gut bacterium which helps with digestion which means a strong impact on how it then influences the blood sugar response.

5. Multigrain

Multigrain bread contains bran and the germ of the grain which makes it low in glycemic index. Foods low in glycemic index are associated with lower risks of diabetes, cancer and stroke.


Do not be fooled by marketing terms such as “seven-grain” or “100% natural”; make sure you look at the ingredients. Pay attention to labels which state “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat.”
Reason?  Whole grains include protein, healthy fiber, and are cholesterol free. Next time you’re at the super market, look for one of these breads.


