
6 Health Reasons To Eat More Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? For years, chocolate was cast off as junk food. But now, thanks to numerous researches, doctors and nutritionists found that dark chocolate can actually be healthy when eaten in moderation.

So why is it so great for us? The secret behind chocolate’s powerful punch is cacao, also the source of the sweet’s distinct taste. Packed with healthy chemicals like flavonoids and theobromine, this popular little bean is a disease-killing bullet.

First off, you’ll only get health benefits from chocolate if you choose wisely. Below are 6 best examples of the benefits of cocoa from researchers around the world:


1. Dark Chocolate May Fend Off Diabetes

In a small study of healthy adults, those who ate half an ounce of dark chocolate a day for 15 days had better insulin sensitivity, and lower blood pressure to boot, than adults who ate a similar amount of white chocolate.

2.  Healthier Heart

A study published in the journal Heart found that habitual chocolate eaters had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes compared to people who didn’t eat chocolate.

Also, study by Australian researchers have discovered that eating dark chocolate can significantly reduce hypertension.

3. Chocolate Reduces Inflammation

Chocolates which are at least 70% or higher cacao contain anti-inflammatory power from chemicals like resveratrol. Flavanols in dark chocolate and cocoa can also reduce inflammation. They may also reduce the risk of several diseases. Less inflammation means a happier, healthier body and mind.

4. Help Maintain a Healthy Weight

When a person experiences stress their body secretes the stress hormone cortisol. One Swiss study suggested that stressed or anxious people who ate dark chocolate every day for two weeks had significantly reduced levels of this hormone.
A study by the University of California, San Diego, showed that adults who eat chocolate regularly actually have a lower body mass index than those who don’t.

5. Stress Reliever

In one study, dark chocolate intake lowered stress reactivity during a social stress test (like speaking in front of a group or doing a mock job interview.

6. Skin protection

The antioxidants in dark chocolate may offer some protection from UV damage. This doesn’t mean you can eat a bag of dark chocolate and skip the sunscreen completely but a few pieces could help give you extra protection in addition to your natural sunscreen.


If you’re looking to indulge in some flavonol-rich chocolaty treat, remember that moderation is key. When you are at the grocery store make sure you look for low-sugar or sugar-free hot chocolate varieties, or when in the candy aisle, look for dark chocolate varieties.