
7 Troubling Soda Health Risks

There are many soda health risks that you should be aware of before you grab your next can of this sugary drink.

We have all craved a can of deliciously cold, fizzy soda every now and then, and that is especially true during the heat of summer. But, what most of us are not really aware of, are the many soda health risks that come from consuming these often-caffeinated liquids. 

We are constantly bombarded by advertisements that promote these addictive drinks, and that actually have a way of appealing to our thirst in a way that could seem almost magical. What these campaigns fail to inform is that there are many side effects of soda consumption, even if you just do it in moderation.

Thankfully, there are many available soda alternatives in the market, and others that can be simply made at home and kept in your refrigerator and that will quench your thirst, satisfy your craving for something sweet and still keep your health on track.

While soda drinks are sweet, fizzy and often energizing, they are packed with added sugar, making them super-high in caloric content, with no real nutritional value since they lack all the vitamins and minerals a proper healthy drink should have.

Moreover, one of the side effects of soda is their inability to really quench your thirst or make you feel full, leading to the desire to drink more and more.

In order to understand why we should stop drinking these sugary beverages altogether, let’s take a look at the most common soda health risks:

Despite all of these soda health risks, consumers may still try to justify drinking these beverages every now and then, stating that they could always go for the sugar-free options.

Truth is that, medical research has proven time and time again, that even if you do switch to a sugar-free type, these beverages are still high in acids, caffeine and other harmful ingredients that contribute to the appliance of one or more of the health risks mentioned above.

For these and many other reasons, it is highly recommended to switch to soda alternatives that are healthier, simpler and that won’t lead to the appearance of any risk.

If you are interested in some of these available alternatives, we have summed up some of our favorite ones, which are available in supermarkets, stores, cafes, restaurants and shops worldwide, and that are so delicious and simple, you can make your own variety at home:

Try a mint and lemon combination, or strawberries and cucumber. These are simple to make, delicious, sugar free and actually come with the added vitamins and minerals you need that come from these ingredients, so you can say goodbye to the worry of soda health risks.
