
Berries, berries, berries – Nature’s sweetest antioxidants

Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries may be summer’s best nutrition and taste sensations.

They’re among the foods with the highest content of antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and other disease-fighting compounds.

Enjoy them fresh for a terrific grab-and-go snack or simple dessert. Yogurt and cereal are great with fresh berries on top,

and salsas made with berries perk up fish and chicken entrées.


Since berries do not ripen after picking, choose berries that are already ripe, but plump, dry, and free from decay and mold. Stains on containers may mean crushed fruit inside. Look for blueberries that are dark blue with a silvery bloom, which is a natural protective coating. Strawberries should still have the stem attached, and raspberries should be dry and not mushy.


Don’t wash berries until you’re ready to eat them. As soon as you get them home, remove from containers, sort, and discard any soft berries. Store in a single layer on a clean plate or baking sheet in the refrigerator. Wash in cool water when ready to use.


Freeze washed berries individually on baking sheets lined with wax paper and then store in plastic bags or containers. Defrost just before you’re ready to use them for best flavor and texture.