
Underlying Causes of Fatigue

Learn more about the underlying causes of fatigue and what you can do to prevent feeling tired all the time

We’ve all felt that lack of energy and the desire to stay in bed all day, but can’t really pinpoint to what is causing it. The truth is, the causes of fatigue can vary from person to person, and in many cases it can be the result of certain underlying situations.

Not having enough rest during the night, eating a heavy meal, or working for long hours without much rest are all logical and simple causes for feeling tired and sleepy. However, if you have extreme fatigue symptoms, the situation may be a bit more complex.

In this case, it is important to understand what are the true causes of fatigue and sleepiness in your particular case, to be able to tackle the issue right at the root.

Being able to identify extreme fatigue symptoms is important to be able to understand whether or not your situation requires further care or even medical attention. In many cases, someone suffering from extreme fatigue will experience:

Now, causes of fatigue can either be emotional, life-style related or medical. Emotional causes of fatigue and sleepiness usually include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress and grief.

In any of these instances, our minds and bodies go through what some may identify as a “roller-coaster” of emotions, which usually interfere with one’s ability to rest and sleep properly.

Extreme fatigue symptoms that may appear as a result of your lifestyle, will often have a lot to do with your work practices, whether it is going through a phase of unemployment or having too much to do and little time to do it.

But, it can also be influenced by your nutritional practices, your exercise routine, the intake of alcohol and certain medications, illicit drugs or an illness.

Causes of fatigue and sleepiness that arise from medical conditions are more complex to treat, but once they are appropriately identified your Doctor will be able to guide you through the right treatment for your particular needs.

Medical underlying causes of fatigue can include:

These causes of fatigue can present themselves alone, or can be accompanied by physical changes that often mimic the symptoms of extreme tiredness mentioned above, such as chronic headaches, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, vomiting, pain in your chest area, etc.

It is important to understand that you should always exercise caution when dealing with episodes of extreme fatigue, because if the causes are indeed medical, the appropriate way to treat it is with medical attention and care.

When you are tired because of sudden changes in your lifestyle, you can always readjust the patterns by trying to squeeze a few more hours of sleep time every night, practicing relaxing techniques like yoga and meditation, abstain from alcohol and drugs, etc.

In the case of medical causes, your doctor will often conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the root of the problem, and identify whether or not a medication you may be taking could be contributing to the issue.

Furthermore, it is important to remember that fatigue is not precisely a condition or disease, but rather a feeling that, if left untreated, could have a negative impact on your life. Speaking to your health professional is the first step to take.

Your doctor will be able to help you identify the proper cause of your fatigue, and suggest the appropriate treatment so you can beat the feeling to the curb in no time!
