
Diabetes and Heart Disease Diet

Diabetes and Heart Disease Diet: Tips on the Best Diet for Heart Disease and Diabetes

Following a diabetes and heart disease diet is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle – today information will let you in on some tips for the best diet for heart disease and diabetes. 

Learn more about the link between diabetes and heart health by clicking here.

Taking care of your diabetes also can mean that you are taking care of your heart health and vice versa. Taking care of your body through your eating habits is one of the most important parts of staying healthy longer. Having diabetes creates a much higher risk of other health complications such as heart attack or stroke because high blood sugar damages nerves and blood vessels in the body. When nerves and blood vessels are damaged because of high blood sugar, the body struggles to perform their normal duties and can develop things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Cardiac diabetic diet can be found through simple changes as well as big changes, making sure your diet is well balanced helps not only your heart but also blood sugar levels.

Best Diet for Heart Disease and Diabetes

The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have promising results as one of the best diet for heart disease and diabetes options. The Mediterranean diet is filled with fish, healthy oils, vegetables and legumes. Other important foods you should find or include in your diabetes and heart disease diet are:

General dietary measures can include the following tips for eating to help both your heart and your diabetes. You should be doing this if not daily but during the week:

As mentioned above with the Flaxseed, if you are thinking about making major changes to your diet or weekly eating habits, make sure to speak to your doctor before doing so to ensure that you are making the right choices for you!