
Diabetes vs Prediabetes: Understanding the Difference and How to Prevent Type 2

Knowing the basic differences of diabetes vs prediabetes is key in understanding how to tackle the disease and get the right treatment.

We know that diabetes is a fairly common disease affecting millions of people worldwide, and that it requires treatment for a lifetime. But, what is the difference of diabetes vs prediabetes and how can you be sure what is the right treatment for you? Let’s take a closer look. 

Prediabetes can be considered as a “pre-diagnosis” of diabetes which many medical experts can see it as warning sign to take the necessary measures to prevent the actual disease.

The most important thing that differentiates diabetes vs prediabetes is how the blood sugar levels are and behave. Prediabetes presents blood sugar levels higher than what would be normal, but not enough to be considered a Type 2.

A proper pre diabetes treatment plan usually consists of making the necessary adjustments on your lifestyle to avoid developing Type 2, because there is not an actual FDA-approved medical treatment for prediabetes.

In fact, many diabetes specialists recommend doing regular check-ups – between 1 to 3 years – to analyze your blood sugar level and determine if things need to change with what you eat, the way you exercise, add medication, etc.

As part of a prediabetes diet plan, doctors and specialists alike recommend sticking to a healthy, low-carb and low-sugar diet to control your glucose levels.

In addition to changes on the way you eat, it is recommended that you lose weight, an estimated 5% to 10% should be enough, and that you add moderate physical activity for 30 min., fives times a week to your routine.

Making these small but effective changes can make an outstanding difference in the battle of diabetes vs prediabetes, as it helps prevent and/or lowers the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

It’s important to remember that there are no clear symptoms of prediabetes, which is why monitoring and evaluating your glucose levels is important in order to determine the possible risks. Moreover, it is not guaranteed that you will develop Type 2 diabetes if you are diagnosed with prediabetes.

As part of your prediabetes treatment you should reduce your alcohol intake, try to eliminate smoking from your life and treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol effectively, as these are all contributing factors to the occurrence of diabetes.

Furthermore, your pre diabetes diet plan should include the following healthy changes:

Diabetes vs predates does not have to be an ongoing battle that leaves you gasping for air! But, all jokes aside, if you suspect that you may be having prediabetes or you have actually been diagnosed, it is highly important to take the necessary preventive measures to avoid developing Type 2 diabetes.

Regular medical check-ups, analyzing your glucose levels, and talking to your doctor openly and honestly about any possible symptom you may have is key in helping you lead a healthy and steady lifestyle without complications.
