
Diabetics and Alcohol: Effects of Alcohol on Diabetes

Diabetics and alcohol comes with certain precautions – find out more.

Because drinking alcohol is so prevalent in American culture, people with diabetes may want to know if there are adverse symptoms of diabetes and alcohol consumption. Knowing the parameters of what is considered safe drinking for a diabetic is important. Alcohol and diabetes can be a dangerous combination when alcohol is consumed in large quantity and on a regular basis. Today we will explore the health effects of diabetes and alcohol consumption.

People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing heart disease, but because moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease is can be beneficial for a diabetic to drink in moderation. Diabetics should not get into a regular pattern of consuming alcohol and should never drink alcohol on an empty stomach or when blood glucose levels are low. The key here is to use caution and self-control. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can put a diabetic’s health at risk and make the disease more difficult to manage. Diabetes and alcohol consumption can have contraindications with medications that the diabetic may be taking, so it is important to check with their doctor or pharmacist before consuming alcohol. If a diabetic is told that they can drink alcohol, and they can control their alcohol intake, then a drink every once in awhile is acceptable.

An excessive amount of alcohol can lower blood glucose levels for up to 12 hours, especially if the diabetic exercises after drinking or drinks on an empty stomach. This alcohol effect can pose a problem for diabetics who take their insulin or other diabetic medication orally. Diabetics should also realize that choosing the right kind of alcoholic beverages is very important when mixing alcohol and diabetes. People with diabetes should avoid sweet and dessert wines, wine coolers, and sparkling wines, and instead choose a dry wine selection. It is also advisable to mix drinks with water or club soda, and eat something when you have a drink.

One safeguard to remember when mixing diabetes and alcohol is to avoid drinking sweet or mixed drinks that have a high concentration of carbohydrates. Always sip your drink slowly and check your blood glucose level an hour or two after consuming your drink. To be on the safe side, you should also check your blood glucose level again at night before you retire. Glucose tablets or other sugar sources should always be carried with you in case you experience hypoglycemia. Glucagon shots do not always respond well to alcohol-induced hypoglycemia, so come prepared with what is known to be effective.

When mixing alcohol and diabetes it is also recommended that you consume an adequate amount of water, and always carry crackers or other forms of carbohydrates with you to help you stabilize your glucose level if you need to.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines moderate drinking as 2 drinks per day for men, and one drink per day for women. Moderate amounts of alcohol can increase your blood glucose level, and excess alcohol consumption can decrease it. That is why it is so important to test your blood glucose level often when mixing alcohol and diabetes. If your blood glucose is not well controlled you should avoid consuming alcohol altogether. Other concerns when mixing diabetes and alcohol are: alcohol can increase your appetite and cause you to gain weight, plus it has lots of calories that will make it more difficult to lose excess weight.

What about alcohol and pre-diabetes? If you are pre-diabetic you should avoid heavy drinking, which interferes with the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and can induce diabetes. Mixing alcohol and pre-diabetes can be done moderately in individuals who are otherwise healthy. Diabetics should wear a piece of medical alert jewelry to indicate that they have diabetes. Diabetes does not mean that you have to stop living, but live intelligently and intentionally.

To learn more about diabetics and alcohol, visit
