
Does Sugar Cause Diabetes?

Can eating too much sugar cause diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 that both affect the insulin in your body. Insulin plays a large role with the regulation of blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, allowing the body to convert the sugar into energy. Many people often wonder what causes diabetes and if you can get diabetes from sugar. The short answer to ‘does sugar cause diabetes?’ is no but the long answer is that sugar and what you consume plays a large role in the development of diabetes. Here we are going to discuss what causes diabetes and some tips on how to avoid developing it.

What is Diabetes? What Causes it?

As stated on the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases informational page, diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood sugar is too high. Blood sugar is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. The pancreas creates a hormone that plays a large role in the conversion of blood sugar into energy and it is called insulin. Often those who have diabetes aren’t able to produce enough insulin to convert the sugar in the blood into energy. There are three types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 as well as gestational diabetes.

Can you get Diabetes from Sugar?

Studies have shown that the more sugar you consume, the higher your chances are of developing diabetes, especially if you drink many sugary drinks. Eating large quantities of sugar packed foods can also increase weight gain which is another leading factor in developing diabetes. The main focus for not developing diabetes should be on diet and exercise. Diabetes can sometimes be genetic and if it runs in your family, you should be taking care of yourself in other ways. In order to lower your risk in developing diabetes you should follow the following ideas:

As stated above, sometimes diabetes is just genetic but if you do what you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid sugary fatty foods on a regular basis (cheating every once in a while is OK) and get enough rest you are already on your way to lowering your chances at developing diabetes.
