
Frequently Asked Questions About Diabetes Answered

Get Informed: Learn more about the most frequently asked questions about diabetes and what to ask your doctor at your next visit.

If you have been recently diagnosed or suspect that you may be prone to developing this disease, odds are you have some of the most frequently asked questions about diabetes lingering in your mind.

Rest assured, you are not alone. Truth is, there are SO many diabetes questions to ask Doctor – and its important you get them all answered. When you feel in doubt and – most likely worried – about the answers to these questions, finding them will help you put your mind at ease and get on the right road to your health.

You may have questions about diabetes type 2, wondering what the next step is after being diagnosed with prediabetes, or simply have inquiries regarding the type of management plan that you will need.

Here we’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about diabetes so you can have an idea what to inquire about in your next doctor’s visit.

These are just some of the many, many diabetes questions to ask Doctor that will handle your disease from the very first moment you are diagnosed.

Questions about diabetes type 2 and how this disease differentiates from type 1 are very common as well, and your doctor will most likely explain these factors from the very beginning: why they happen, what are the key differences between them and whether or not you are at risk of developing one if you have the other.

It is understandable that this can be all confusing, but with time and the right guidance you will be able to manage the subject and treat your diabetes on a daily basis, as it becomes part of your routine.

Other frequently asked questions about diabetes have a lot to do with the level of activity you must include on your daily life, whether or not you should quit drinking alcohol and smoking, and if a low-carb, low-fat diet is good for your case.

In some instances, patients decide to switch to a drastic lifestyle – becoming vegetarians or vegans, for example – but this is not always necessary, and in many cases is not even recommended.

For these, and many other reasons, relaying on the most frequently asked questions about diabetes when meeting with your doctor can be a good starting point to obtain the clarification you require.

For example, your doctor may be able to tell you this:

Is my diabetes caused by me eating a lot of sugar?

No, eating a lot of sugar does not cause diabetes directly, but it does cause weight gain, which is one of the main risk factors for developing the disease.

Will I have to quit carbs altogether?

In most cases, a low-carb diet will replace your regular one, and you will need to switch to whole grains and complex carbs, instead of consuming highly processed foods.

Can it be cured?

Unfortunately, even with all of our medical advances there is not a cure for diabetes or a way to reverse it. But, patients learn to manage it on a daily basis and it becomes a part of their life without too much complications.

These FAQs and many more can be answered by the right medical personnel, ensuring that you remain healthy and safe throughout your journey. Talk to your Doctor today, and get the guidance you need to manage your diabetes.
