
How to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain 

Discover How to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain Without Drugs as Well as Tips for Feeling Better

Fibromyalgia is a long term chronic disorder that many people all over the country suffer from. Here we are going to give you some tips on how to ease fibromyalgia pain and how to get fibromyalgia pain relief without drugs. If you, or someone you know suffers from fibromyalgia pain it is almost certain that they feel muscle pain and fatigue a lot of the time. This pain is associated with pain and tenderness throughout the body and often times can be just one of many chronic pain conditions that people suffer from. Exercise and fibromyalgia although may seem impossible, is actually good for the pain and that along with medicine, therapy and other lifestyle changes, less pain can be achieved.  

Unfortunately, the most common appearance of fibromyalgia is in middle aged women. Although, if you suffer from other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus or ankylosing spondylitis, it is more than likely that you suffer also from fibromyalgia. Now, you may be wondering how to ease fibromyalgia pain in general or how to get fibromyalgia pain relief without drugs… Continue reading to learn how.  

How to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Doctors may decide to prescribe one or more of the following medications to help treat the pain and tenderness felt by the person suffering: 

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Without Drugs and Other Medications

Doctors also recommend lifestyle changes such as exercise and fibromyalgia, although painful, can be managed through these changes. There are also types of therapies that can be used to help manage fibromyalgia pain. The following are changes that can be made as well as recommendations for therapy: 

Other Types of Treatments for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Without Drugs Are:

Tai Chi – This Chinese practice uses slow and gentile movements through a series of poses. Research shows that through a study, 33 of 66 people studied had large improvements in quality of life.  

Acupuncture – Acupuncture is also a Chinese practice using small needles that are inserted into the body in different points.  

Hydroxytryptophan – This is an amino acid that helps the body produce serotonin, which is the chemical in your body that helps change and regulate your mood. This natural amino acid could help relieve many symptoms and side effects felt.  

Meditation– can not only calm you mind but also ease your body and the pain it feels. Meditation can possibly help your body heal itself.  

Yoga – Weather you feel fibromyalgia pain or not, yoga is good for you. Yoga stretches the body and lowers stress levels, regularly practicing yoga can help ease the pain felt.  

If you are unsure weather you are suffering from fibromyalgia, it is best that you speak with a medical professional about your concerns. A reason for concern could include the following symptoms felt with fibromyalgia: 

Fibromyalgia is something that you can live with. Making the correct decisions and lifestyle habits can help you feel better on a daily basis.  
