
Why Is Processed Meat Bad for You?

Exactly Why is Processed Meat Bad for You? Are the Risks Significant?

The World Health Organization is constantly studying the food we eat as well as other products we use for and in our body. Did you know that some processed meat health risks match those of cigarettes and asbestos? Certain processed meats contain carcinogens which means they can cause cancer. Here we are going to examine the question of ‘why is processed meat bad for you’ and look at processed meat health risks along with which types of processed meats you should avoid.

Processed Meat List:

If you are unsure what are processed meats, here is a quick processed meat list to start with:

This processed meat list outlines meats that aren’t fresh and has been modified from its original state through processed such as smoking or curing. These processed meats have now fallen in to the same category for health risks as smoking tobacco and exposure to asbestos. Many people who follow a health-conscious life style and diet have been aware of these warnings for years and often don’t eat meat, especially red meat, to avoid all health risks.

Red meat is sometimes considered to be almost as bad for you as processed meat with a slightly lower risk to humans for developing cancer. Red meat is any meat that comes from a mammal and can be differentiated from fish and poultry by the color signifying the amount of blood in the tissue.

Processed Meat Health Risks:

Why is processed meat bad for you? Because there are studies that link both processed meat and red meat to cancer. The World Health Organization stated “ in the case of red meat, the classification is based on limited evidence from epidemiological studies showing positive associations between eating red meat and developing colorectal cancer as well as strong mechanistic evidence. Limited evidence means that a positive association has been observed between exposure to the agent and cancer but that other explanations for the observations could not be ruled out.”

What is the safest way to cook meat? There is not enough data to show weather the way in which meat is cooked can cause health risks. Although extreme heat can introduce carcinogen into the meat.

How much red meat or processed meat is safe to eat? The more red meat you eat the higher risk you have at developing a health condition. According to the World Health Organization, when eating red meat, cancer risk goes up 17% for each 100 grams consumed, daily. When talking about processed meats, cancer risk goes up by 18% for every 50 grams consumed, daily.

Should I stop eating meat?  You don’t need to stop eating meat, especially if it is something that you love. It’s important to remember your risks and do research about the different types of meat that you eat. By eating certain meats, you are increasing your risk of health complications but the quantity and quality of what you eat plays a large roll in your risk.

Final Notes:

You may feel worried when it comes to processed meat and red meat after reading this article. It’s important to remember that yes, processed meat does contain certain chemicals that are not present in fresh meat and they can affect your health. If you eat large quantities of processed meats over many years your risk for cancer or other health complications will increase.  The same risk goes for eating red meat. The more you eat of it on a regular basis the more risk you are taking for your health.

Everything in moderation shouldn’t affect your health on a large scale, make sure you are maintaining a healthy diet on a regular basis.
