
8 Ways to Get a Workout on a Busy Schedule

A healthy lifestyle takes some effort. For many, finding the time to fit in a workout is more of a challenge than finding the will to stick to their exercise plan. Busy work schedules and family obligations often interfere, but there are always opportunities to squeeze in your daily routine.

Wake Up Earlier

If you are one of those that can hop out of bed in the morning, setting your alarm to wake up thirty minutes earlier is a good option. Make your exercises a part of your morning ritual.

On the Way to Work

If you live near to your place of business, change your commuting habits. By jogging or cycling to work, you can meet your fitness goals without compromising your daily schedule. It will also save you some of the wear and tear on your car.

Workout on Your Lunch Hour

Find a way to fit your workout routine into your lunch hour.  Instead of going out to eat for lunch, bring food from home so that you are prepared. You’ll have time to fit in your 30 minutes of high intensity training after you’ve finished eating.

Happy Hour

The gym is on your way home. Swing by and get your workout in before running your errands. Make it one of those things that you plan your commute around.

Take the Kids with You

Children need to learn to develop healthy living habits as well. Take them with you, and set a good example. Time spent in a public park on health outdoor activities is more than just physically healthy. It strengthens relationships as well.


You may have plenty of important things to get done, but you also spend a lot of time on the couch watching TV. Set your weights next to your sofa and lift as you watch your shows.

Workout at Night

Help yourself unwind after a busy day with a solid workout routine. Take your mind off of things, and prepare your body to physically relax. Some find that sleep is easier when the body is exhausted.

Make it up on the Weekends

You have more time for exercise on your days off. Even if you only workout a couple of minutes during the week, make a plan to squeeze in extra time exercising on the weekends.