
Foods That Lower Blood Sugar

Have you included foods that lower blood sugar in your supermarket list? Here’s what to get, and what to steer clear from.

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, one of the most important things to adjust is the way you eat. Your diet plays a key role in your diabetes management plan, and knowing what foods that lower blood sugar to include is of essence.

Your doctor or specialist may provide you with a list of foods that lower blood sugar naturally and even hand over a group of examples of meals that you can prepare at home without too much fuss or complications.

These first steps will make managing your illness much easier, but will also help you steer clear of those other little enemies: the foods that raise blood sugar and that you will want to avoid as much as possible.

In many ways, new diabetic patients need an adjustment period in order to understand how the disease works and why it is highly important to pay special attention to what they eat, when and how they combine their ingredients.

For example, it may be okay to eat carbs as long as they are not refined, but it is probably best to have them during your first two meals of the day rather than at night, simply because your body has time to process them.

For this – and many other reasons – knowing what foods that lower blood sugar are good for you, and which foods that raise blood sugar you will have to avoid, should be your first step.

Refined sugar, starchy carbohydrates, high-corn syrup, fructose, saturated fats, etc. are just a few examples of those foods that you will want to stay away from in order to maintain good levels of glucose in your blood.

Developing a list of foods that lower blood sugar, and one that puts you at risk of elevated levels is a good idea. For example, it’s a good idea to avoid foods that raise blood sugar such as:

On the other hand, having a list of foods that lower blood sugar levels and that will still provide the nutritional value you need for a healthy lifestyle can include:

Another great hint is that, you will want to pack on foods that are high in fiber, as these not only keep you fuller longer, but have actually proven to be excellent to lower and maintain glucose levels in diabetic patients.

The good thing about being able to manage and maintain your blood sugar levels is that, at some point, nothing will truly be off-limits. At some point during your journey you will be able to enjoy a dessert after a delicious meal, or have a cocktail with your friends.

Moderation and paying attention to what you ingest are good tricks to keep at hand. You will want to play extra attention to your portions, and by doing so, you will still be able to enjoy some of the foods that you love.

Remember to monitor your blood sugar levels routinely and go to your check-ups with your doctor, to ensure that what you are doing is helping your health.
