
Which Fruits are Good for Diabetics

Should diabetics eat fruit? Find out which fruits are good for diabetics and which to avoid.

Now that summer is here,  you are most likely seeing an abundance of colorful, delicious fruit at your local grocer. But if you are one of the estimated 29 million Americans living with diabetes, you might be hesitant on adding too much fruit into your diet. If you have ever wondered should diabetics eat fruit, the answer is yes!

Some fruits are good for diabetics and are packed with a variety of minerals, vitamins and necessary fiber. Adding them to your diabetes diet is actually a healthy choice, though there are a few stipulations.  First, you will want to keep a close watch on how much you are eating. Second, stick with fresh fruit instead of sugar-laden canned fruit and premade fruit juices. Third, learn about the variety of fruits that are considered to be low-glycemic choices; this means they will not spike your blood sugar as high or as quickly as medium or high glycemic foods.

While there might be some fruits for diabetics to avoid depending on how they affect a person’s blood sugar, here are some of the best low-glycemic fruit choices:


Want to enjoy a juicy piece of fruit, get a boost of Vitamin C and eat a low-glycemic food with just 15 grams of carbohydrates? Then an orange should be your go-to choice. And, in addition to an abundance of Vitamin C, oranges will also provide potassium and folate.


Now that you know fruits are good for diabetics, it is time to add some berries into your diabetes meal plan. The American Diabetes Association considers berries a Superfood that people with the disease should add to their food list as they are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Eat berries on their own, add to Greek yogurt, or top off some cottage cheese.


Get the fiber you need plus over 50 percent of the daily Vitamin A required by just eating four apricots. Plus, four fresh apricots have only 16 grams of carbohydrates and are less than 80 calories. Add to yogurt, salads, cereal, or pair with cheese.


Not only is kiwi fruit a delicious, diabetes friendly treat, this smart choice has about 13 grams of carbohydrates per fruit. Plus, you can typically find them at your grocer throughout the year and they keep well for several weeks in the refrigerator. Pair it with hard cheese or yogurt, or add it to a green smoothie with vegetables.

Tart cherries

Since some fruits are good for diabetics, there is no better time than summer to enjoy the taste of nutritious tart cherries. Not only is this fruit a low glycemic choice, but it is also known to help fight inflammation. With only 19 grams of carbohydrates in one cup, bring some vibrant red into your life in the form of cherries this season.


Loaded with potassium, fiber and Vitamins A and C, peaches are a sweet and versatile fruit that can be added to salads, yogurt, granola, ice tea, smoothies and more.

Know that you know which fruits can be added to a diabetes friendly meal plan, be sure to explore for some delicious recipes. You can also learn more about diabetes travel tips, exercises suggestions and foods to avoid when living with the disease.