
How to Get Into a Good Mood: 6 Tips

You can change a sour disposition and learn how to get into a good mood with these natural mood boosters.

Do you struggle with sadness or a negative mind-set and want to learn how to get into a good mood? Being in a bad mood can mean that you are stuck in one area of the brain, usually the basal ganglia, which is where memories and habits are stored. This area of the brain is also the reward center that may be seeking a boost of dopamine. If you are dwelling on bad memories, or stuck in a negative habit, you have to scramble these thoughts by thinking positively.

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Bad moods can really ruin your day, and if maintained extensively, they can destroy your peace, happiness, relationships, and health. You can learn how to be in a better mood, and switch the negatives into positives, by learning our natural mood boosters:

Take Action – Get Moving!

You can learn how to be in a better mood by taking action. Begin an exercise routine at a gym, go for a walk, a swim or bicycle riding, take up a sport like tennis or golf, or try a yoga, dance or aerobics class. Focus on your activity, and divert attention away from negative thoughts. Exercise will flood the reward center of the brain with dopamine, which will begin to lift your spirits.

Get a Hobby

Take up a hobby like painting, sewing, cooking, cake decorating, photography, singing or playing an instrument, reading a good book, etc. Do things that give you pleasure and get you out of a negative slump.

Play with Your Pet

Take your dog to the park or for a run and play with him. Your best furry friend is always ready to give you lots of love and kisses, and lift you out of a bad mood.

Treat Yourself!

Discover how to be in a better mood by pampering yourself. Treat yourself to a day at the spa where you can relax and enjoy a facial, body massage, manicure and pedicure, and perhaps a new haircut or color. You deserve to be pampered and should make time for it.

Nourish Yourself from Within

Your list of natural mood boosters should always include good nutrition. Being nutrient deficient, or ill, can easily put you in a negative or sad mood, but you can change that by eating a healthy diet. Be sure to get the proper balance of protein, dairy, carbohydrates, good fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, water and fiber. You should also take nutritional supplements if you are deficient. By keeping your body strong, your mind will be able to function in a clear and healthy manner.

Shift Your Focus

You can also learn how to get into a good mood by using a little psychology. Don’t allow yourself to dwell on negative thoughts, which will keep you stuck in a bad mood. Shift your focus and perspective on being grateful for the things you have, and not on what you want.

Most of us really don’t appreciate the many blessings we have, like a loving family, a good job, food, clothing and shelter, good health, good friends, etc. Never think that you will be happy when you get that big house, expensive car, an executive position with more money, etc. None of those things come with a guarantee that you will be happier.

Remember that happiness is a choice that only you can give to yourself. You can learn how to get into a good mood by taking your focus off of negative thoughts and begin to think about positive things in your life. Changing your perspective on life will change your sour mood into a positive one that can bring you peace, love, gratitude and joy.

Learn more good mood tips at