
Do Essential Oils Work? Here’s the Truth About Essential Oils.

There is major hype around this practice but, does it really help? Do essential oils work? Here’s our take.

Essential oils are all the rage now, especially with the escalating demand for natural products. From doctors to celebrities, everyone has heard of them, and many have even tried them. But in reality, do essential oils work?

Essential oils, aromatherapy, or the use and application of natural healing oils claims to be the cure for almost everything from migraines to depression, whether you burn it, rub it or sniff it.

But, do essential oils work? What is the truth about essential oils and their application? To start, an essential oil is a plant extract (herbs) that’s obtained after expression or distillation. It’s core is the aromatic and chemical contents of the plant used, and – as we already know – plants do have an effect on the nervous system.

Nowadays we can find an oil for almost anything. Essential oils for anxiety, to sleep, for headaches, to mediate, etc. As it happens, the truth is essential oils do contain molecules of certain chemicals that can have an impact on the body.

Some of those components include alcohol, ketones, acetate, oxides, esters, etc. just to name a few. Amongst the uses for some of these components, we can find that acetate – for example – works as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sedative.

Another truth about essential oils is that they have a direct impact on our  limbic system. Meaning that they do have an effect on our mood whenever we smell them, and immediately create a sensorial memory.

If you use essential oils for anxiety, like let’s say Lavender, the sedative properties of the plant will naturally cause your sense of smell to react, and if you try to relax or mediate while using this oil, its properties will create a sensorial memory that relates to a more peaceful state.

So, do essential oils work? In theory, they do. Most of them are really helpful in what they are advertised to treat. Many studies actually back up the information, by proving that there are many positive effects that come with the use of aromatherapy.

In fact, just to name a few of the positive changes you can see with the use of essential oils, your sleep may improve significantly, your stress levels can decrease and your sinus congestion may actually get alleviated the “natural” way.

Care to give it a try? If so, now that you know the answer to “do essential oils work?”, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorites and what they can do to improve your health:

Lavender Oil:

It slows the activity of the central nervous system, improves sleep quality, promotes better concentration and helps encourage hair regrowth when applied topically.

Eucalyptus Oil:

A holy grail if you will, it’s an antimicrobial, insecticidal, herbicidal, super effective against bacterial strains and its amazing for respiratory health by alleviating cough, congestion and loosening up phlegm in the nasal passages and lungs.

Peppermint Oil:

Used to boost your energy levels, it also serves to alleviate nausea, improve digestion, better an upset stomach and indigestion as it speeds up the rate of elimination.

Tea Tree Oil:

A powerful antimicrobial and anti-fungal agent it fights harmful bacteria and inhibits the growth and sporulation of yeast and fungus.

Bergamot Oil:

Known for its ultra calming effects, it also has a positive impact on healthy body weight and on the body’s vascular and heart health.

Jasmine Oil:

If you are looking for a little pick-me-up, this essential oil has a stimulant effect, increasing alertness, vigor and promoting a better mood.

If you are ready to give essential oils a try, we encourage you to read and get informed about it. There are many ways in which you can use them whether you use a diffuser at home, apply them topically directly on your skin, or if you want to spray it around your resting area for a subtle touch.
