
5 Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetics

Looking for ways to manage your diabetes? These healthy eating tips for diabetics can help!

Adopting healthy eating habits is a critical part of managing Type 2 diabetes. Whether you are taking insulin to manage your blood glucose levels or trying to control your sugar through diet and exercise, food plays an important role in maintaining healthy glucose levels. Making a few simple changes to the way you approach eating and snacking can reap a number of health benefits that will make managing your diabetes a little easier. Trying to adopt one or two of these healthy eating tips for diabetes each week may make it easier for you to adjust to your new, healthier habits.


1: Keep your meal sizes regular

The trick of skimping on food in the evening and loading up on a larger lunch may be helpful for weight control but it can make managing your diabetes more difficult. The insulin doses that most individuals with Type 2 diabetes take are carefully calibrated to regulate their blood glucose levels. Eating irregular meal sizes, even if you are eating healthy foods for diabetics, can send your glucose levels out of control since your body cannot adjust the amount insulin to cope with changing demands. Eating approximately the same amount of food in small meals throughout the day will help you avoid the headaches, nausea, confusion, and shakiness that occur when your blood glucose levels fluctuate.


2: Pay attention to food labels when you shop

Many of the prepared menu items claiming to be healthy food for diabetics actually contain hidden sources of bad fats, sugars, sodium, and other unhealthy ingredients that may make it harder for you to maintain healthy glucose levels. Reading food labels when you grocery shop will help you avoid these foods and plan healthy meals that will help you manage your diabetes better. Limit your portion sizes to the recommended serving on the label, and look for foods that are low in calories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, saturated and trans fats, sugar, and sodium.


3: Substitute grilled fish twice a week

Protein is an important part of any diet, but many meats such as hamburger, bacon, and ribs are high in saturated fats that can contribute to heart disease, high blood cholesterol levels, and stroke.
Substituting lean, grilled fish twice a week is a healthy alternative that can help protect you from heart disease. Oily fish such as salmon, lake trout, mackerel, and herring are particularly rich in the omega-3 fatty acids that regulate blood cholesterol.


4: Fill up on non-starchy vegetables

If you are having a hard time sticking to the healthy portion sizes recommended for people with diabetes, filling up on low-glycemic, low-calorie healthy foods for diabetics like non-starchy vegetables is an ideal solution. Starchy vegetables provide health benefits, too, but portions should be more closely monitored because they contain a high level of carbs that may de-rail your weight control efforts. Fill half of your plate with healthy vegetables at meal times and keep some healthy vegetable snacks on hand for quick pick-me-ups and hunger control.  Snacking on sliced red, yellow, and orange peppers, cherry tomatoes, and bean sprouts delivers fabulous health benefits while keeping your between-meal cravings under control.


5: Add fruit and vegetable superfoods to your diet

The American Diabetes Association has identified certain fruits and vegetables as “diabetes superfoods” that are particularly beneficial for people living with diabetes. These foods form the foundation of the diabetic diet because they have a low-glycemic index, contain key nutrients that can be helpful in managing blood glucose levels, and provide health benefits that may help you avoid or prevent some of the diseases that accompany diabetes. The list of diabetic fruits and veggie superfoods includes sweet potatoes, citrus fruit, dark green leafy vegetables, berries, and tomatoes. Try to include two or three servings of these diabetic health boosters at every meal.


You will find managing your diabetes is much easier once you adjust and these eating tips for diabetes become your new healthier habits. Be sure to visit for more healthy eating tips for diabetics, tasty diabetic-friendly recipes, and lifestyle suggestions that will help you enjoy a healthier future.