
Low Carb Pasta Substitute Recipes for Diabetes

Low Carb Pasta Substitute Recipes for Diabetes: Getting Started

Finding satisfying foods that won’t spike insulin levels and cause weight gain has been chronicled as a diabetic’s dilemma. Sadly, Pasta is a beloved kitchen staple that is at the top of the list of foods to avoid with diabetes. This often present a challenge for those trying to manage this condition who just happen to be very passionate about eating pasta.  Part of the problem however, is that pasta has been maligned more so for the decadent sauces, cheeses, and crusty bread slathered with butter that often accompanies it, than for the pasta itself.  So, for those who are willing to rethink portion sizes, tone down the decadence level of garnishes and explore low carb pasta substitute recipes for diabetes, it may be possible to indulge without all the guilt. 

Low Carb Pasta Substitutes

Believe it or not, there is a dry pasta made from the fiber of Tengusa, a sea vegetable that boosts zero carbs, zero calories and no impact to the glycemic index. Some cooks suggest that Kanten dry noodles offers a great alternative to traditional pasta products.  Coupled with shrimp’s high protein and Omega 3 Fatty Acids that nutritionists claim is extremely Important to the diabetic condition makes the following recipe presented by a “Miracle Noodle” contributor a great low carb pasta substitute.

Garlic Shrimp and Kanten Pasta


Melt butter in a large skillet over medium to high heat. Add garlic to the skillet, and cook until fragrant. Stir frequently to avoid burning.  Add shrimp, salt and pepper. Cook until shrimp is pink, about 2-3 minutes and set aside.

Prepare Kanten Pasta by placing noodles in warm to hot water and stir pasta until they become soft.  Stir in shrimp and gently toss with the pasta to combine.  Add lemon juice and top with cheese. Serve immediately.

Eggplant Pasta

For a simple low card pasta substitute, eggplant provides the perfect alternative to recreate a diabetes friendly pasta meal. Check out Food Network Alton Brown’s take on this Eggplant Pasta dish.


2 medium-large eggplants

Kosher salt, for purging

4 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon chili flakes

4 small tomatoes, seeded and chopped

1/2 cup cream

4 tablespoons basil chiffonade

1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan

Freshly ground pepper

Peel each eggplant leaving 1-inch of skin at the top and bottom unpeeled. Slice the eggplant lengthwise approximately ¼ inch thick.  Coat each slice of the eggplant with Kosher salt and let purge on a sheet pan fitted with a rack for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and roll in paper towels to dry. Slice the purged eggplant into thin pasta-like strips.

To prepare, heat the oil in a large sauté pan. Lightly toast garlic and chili flakes in the hot oil. Add the eggplant “pasta” and toss to coat. Add the tomatoes and cook for three minutes. Add the cream and increase heat to thicken sauce before adding basil and Parmesan.  Season with pepper (only) and toss to combine all ingredients and serve.

For those who must have traditional pasta, these low carb pasta substitute recipes for diabetes can be augmented by other healthy suggestions such as cutting pasta consumption in half or more by nixing the notion of pasta as the star of the meal and enjoying a much smaller portion as a side dish.  Mixing pasta with a hefty portion of vegetables or making sure to always have your pasta “al dente” can significantly reduce the glycemic index. Also, consider alternatives such as zucchini squash, tofu and Shirataki Noodles that are excellent low card pasta substitutes.