
Negative Effects of Diabetes on the Body

Explore the negative effects of diabetes, and the role it plays on the body.

There are many different organs affected by diabetes type 2 as well as general health. Here we will touch on the effects of type 2 diabetes on the body, prevention and how to take care of yourself if you have type 2 diabetes. When someone develops diabetes it is possible that they are not aware of the negative effects of diabetes on the body. Diabetes doesn’t just have to do with blood sugar control but also the body’s ability to produce insulin, which is used to turn sugar into energy. 

Learn more about the effects of diabetes on the body here!

Effects of Type 2 Diabetes on the Body

There are many effects of type 2 diabetes on the body and here is a list of negative effects of diabetes on the body:

If you have diabetes…

It’s important to make sure that you are not only taking care of your diet but also exercising. Following a diet that is similar to a Mediterranean diet that is high in fatty fish, healthy oils, whole grains and many vegetables can be beneficial to your health. Eating healthy can lead to dropping a few extra pounds which is great for your overall health. Exercise is important for a person with or without diabetes, two to three days a week getting out and going for a walk will not only make you feel better but help you maintain heart and overall health.