
Type 2 Diabetes Diet Recommendations

Manage your health better with a type 2 diabetes diet plan

Living with diabetes takes constant monitoring and tweaking depending on where your blood glucose level is. One of the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association’s standards of care is for diabetics to play a role in managing their own illness. Our diabetes diet guidelines can help you create a diabetes diet plan that is right for you.

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Diabetes Diet Guidelines

If you are diabetic or prediabetic and are overweight, it is highly recommended that you lose some weight. You can ask your doctor to assist you in a diet plan to lose weight. Some recent diet trends that work well are the ketogenic diet, Atkins diet, and the low-carb paleo diet.

To lose weight, the focus here is on counting carbs and limiting carb intake to less than 20 grams per day. Protein and fat are increased in these types of diets, and usually, there is no sugar allowed (or perhaps a small amount). If you are having difficulty losing weight, these diets may be an acceptable way to lose those added pounds on a short-term basis. Ask your doctor if he recommends one of these diets for you.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet

With type 2 diabetes, the body has a difficult time sending blood sugar to the cells where it is needed. The result is that much of the sugar remains in the bloodstream where elevated sugar levels can cause all types of adverse effects including cardiovascular disease, and kidney, nerve and eye damage. Following a type 2 diabetes diet is an important step in controlling high blood sugar levels:

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With the help of your doctor, you should be able to manage your diabetes successfully. Be sure to follow our diabetes diet guidelines, get enough rest and exercise, monitor your blood sugar frequently, and take your medications as prescribed.

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