
Ways to Lower A1C Levels

Stay Informed: There are many ways to lower A1C levels naturally and without adding another medication into the mix.

Finding ways to lower A1C naturally is probably one of the best things for someone struggling with diabetes. Cutting down (safely, of course!) on the use of medication and knowing that there are small changes you can make in your day-to-day life to feel better, can be a treat when managing your disease.

Remaining in control of the motions that our bodies’ go through when we have diabetes can be challenging, but it is definitely not impossible to make small adjustments here and there that not only facilitate the situation, but that actually carry no harmful side effects.

Learning how to lower A1C without meds is one of the most common factors that diabetic patients seek from their Specialists. More often than not, the use of medication and synthetic substances comes with a wide range of unwanted side effects, without even mentioning the hefty price tag.

But, thanks to recent medical studies, you can find out how to lower A1C quickly and safely by making wiser choices.

Since A1C refers to the test that is used to show the ups and downs of a diabetes management plan – in simpler words, whether what you are doing to take care of your health is working or not – it is easy to identify which factors are actually positive and which ones have room for improvement.

Finding ways to lower A1C should always start with a complete evaluation and consultation with your diabetes specialist. Your doctor will always be your best source of information and will know what could easily apply to your particular case.

How to lower A1C without meds will refer to making changes in your routine; your behavior, habits, what you eat, your activity levels, etc. anything that will help you create better habits that promote your well being and that are focused on your diabetes management.

So, if you are wondering how to lower A1C quickly and without too much fuss, these following tips and tricks can help you:

Test your blood sugar levels periodically.

This means that following the recommended advice is actually the first step of your management plan. Knowing whether your number is high or not, or if fluctuates rapidly during the day, will help you establish a better timeline and schedule of your day.

Pay close attention to changes during the first moments of your day and after every meal. That is a great way to track possible triggers and factors that are actually helpful to have a clearer understanding of your plan.

Step up your activity game.

Small changes in your day contribute to the many ways to lower A1C levels naturally; think about when was the last time you took the stairs instead of the elevator? Or when you decided to dance around your house while doing certain chores?

Every little bit counts. Adding anywhere between 20 to 30 min. of extra activity to your day will do wonders for your diabetes management strategy.

Eat better.

The holy grail of factors for diabetic patients. What we put in your bodies makes has a direct impact on how we fell. Diabetics particularly, need to play extra attention to the type and amount of carbs they eat on a daily basis.

Making smarter choices and making sure to check your blood sugar levels after eating will help you have better control of what types of food are actually good for your health, and which ones you should avoid whenever possible.

Use all the available support.

Not only from your medical team, but nowadays there are many ways in which you can seek guidance and better understanding of your situation. There are many apps that allow you to track your A1C levels during the day, and even online support groups that make the task of diabetes management a lot easier.

Finding ways to lower A1C levels naturally and safely is now easier than ever, with the right understanding and support. Talk to your doctor and specialist today to find out what would be the best route for your case.
