
5 Diabetes Myths

Wondering how do you get diabetes Type 1? Learn more with these diabetes myths from

With the CDC estimating approximately 30 million people in the United States having diabetes, awareness about the disease continues to grow. Many people know a family member or friend who lives with the disease, and this tends to generate curiosity regarding facts about diabetes. Educating oneself about diabetes is important, as dozens of myths have circulated over the years giving people false information. If you have asked the questions, “How do you get diabetes Type 1” or “Can I get diabetes from eating too much sugar?” take a look at the following 5 diabetes myths to learn the truth:

Myth 1 – If I eat too much sugar, I will get diabetes.

Fact – The truth is, there isn’t an easy or simple answer for this statement. Genetics and some type of trigger are believed to be the culprit behind Type 1 diabetes, and genetics and one’s lifestyle are believed to link to Type 2 diabetes. Numerous studies have also shown that consistently consuming sugary drinks and/or being overweight or obese can make your risk of developing Type 2 higher. In order to decrease of your risk of Type 2 diabetes, you want to be aware of how much soda, fruit juices, fruit punch, and sports drinks you are consuming.

Myth 2 – If I have diabetes, I can never eat chocolate or sweets again.

Fact – Today, there are really no foods that are completely off limits to someone diagnosed with diabetes. Instead, it is recommended to patients that they eat these items in limited amounts on a special occasion, such as a holiday or birthday. Your goal should be to fill your plate with healthy foods in order to fill you up, and you will be less likely to indulge in sweets. For those who do want to treat themselves once in a while, it should be balanced with exercise and an abundance of healthy food choices.

Myth 3 – Diabetes is contagious.

Fact – Diabetes is not contagious, and cannot be “caught” from someone else. Developing diabetes is believed to occur from one’s genetics, lifestyle and other unknown triggers.

Myth 4 – You can still eat as much fruit as you want with diabetes.

Fact – Yes, fruits are healthy and contain many vitamins and grams of fiber that should be included in everyone’s diet. But, fruits also contain carbohydrates, which diabetics need to pay close attention to. Be sure to speak with your physician or nutritionist about the best types of fruit for you and in what amount they should be eaten.

Myth 5 – If I am overweight, I will get diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes eventually.

Fact – So many factors are involved when it comes to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Yes, being overweight is one of them, but it is also comes down to your genetics, if family members have the disease, how old you are, ethnicity and more. Studies show many of the people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are considered to be of normal, health weight rather than extremely overweight or obese.

Diabetes is complex, and there are many facts about diabetes that people need to be aware of to disprove the Diabetes myths that surround the disease. To learn more about diabetes, diet advice, and how losing weight can help you better control your blood sugar, visit