
5 Tips for Managing Diabetes During Cold Weather

With the temperature dropping, it’s important to take better care of yourself. Learn how easy managing diabetes during cold weather can be with these simple tips.

While Fall and Winter seasons are usually enjoyable and happier because of the Holidays, for those living with diabetes it can mean a lot of hard work and worry. But, managing diabetes during cold weather does not have to be a nightmare. We’ve rounded up the best tips to make the end of the year far more pleasant and stress-free.

The changes in temperature can cause a wide number of changes in our bodies and our state of mind. These, are of course, a natural reaction to having less sunshine, being indoors more often, changes in levels of activity, etc.

However, in the case of diabetes and cold weather, the seasons can be difficult because of the risk of increased blood sugar levels and viruses. During cooler months, the body goes through episodes of “strain” that causes hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to be released more often.

These hormones cause the liver to release more glucose for energy and to keep warm, thus causing an increase on the sugar levels in your system. That is why winter care for diabetes is extremely important, as it helps you take the necessary preventive measures to ensure your stability.

Managing diabetes during cold weather is not too tricky or tiring. In fact, some of the best tips for winter care for diabetes are things you do on a daily basis, like checking your blood sugar levels during the day and before your meals.

While that particular one can be somewhat engraved in your routine, it’s especially important to keep reviewing it during the day as the cold has the effects mentioned above.

Other easy tips that you can use for your winter care for diabetes include:

Protect your insulin and testing equipment:

If it’s possible to keep them indoors that would be perfect but, realistically, if you need to carry them in your body, make sure that they are in direct contact with your skin (for warmth) and covered with either protective accessories or layers of warm clothing.

Stay cozily warm:

Just like your devices, your body will only receive the best pampering from being warm. Layers of knitted and thermal clothing, warm socks and proper footwear are all great ways to keep your body’s temperature under control.

Stay active:

Managing diabetes during cold weather does not mean bean lethargic. On the contrary, keeping activity levels up even while indoors will help you keep stable insulin levels and promote a better temperature. Added bonus: it also increases you metabolism.

Carefully choose your food intake:

Diabetes and cold weather means paying extra attention to what you eat. While it is ok to indulge from time to time, choosing healthier substitutes or options of your favorite foods can help you maintain low sugar levels – and lower cholesterol!

Keep hydrated:

In case you didn’t know, hydration is probably the most important factor to staying healthy. Water is always best, but also sugar-free electrolyte-containing drinks, can be of great help, especially if you engage in activities that result in heavy sweat.

Avoid getting sick:

Yes, viruses love the cold and winter season is often referred to as flu season, but there are little changes you can do to avoid catching a cold. Wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap, drink warm tea and sugar-free cough drops and – as always recommended – get vaccinated against it.

Managing diabetes during cold weather can be easier once you make these tips a part of your routine. Take great care of yourself, but also remember that this is the best time of the year to enjoy and spend time with your friends and loved ones.
