
Diabetes Symptoms in Women

Wondering how to tell if you have diabetes? Learn how to recognize early diabetes symptoms in women

Could you be suffering from diabetes and not even know it? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13.4 million women in the United States suffer from diabetes, and more than a quarter of them are completely unaware that they have it. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1, which typically appears before the age of 20; Type 2, which is triggered by certain risk factors such as diet, activity, and weight; and gestational diabetes, which affects pregnant women. During their lifetime, women are at risk of developing any of these three types of diabetes. Learning how to recognize early diabetes symptoms in women may help you or a loved one prevent or even reverse some of the long-term complications that can occur when diabetes is left untreated.

Early Symptoms of Diabetes 
The early symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can be subtle and rather difficult to spot, unless you know exactly what to look for. There are a number of warning signs that let you know that you are developing diabetes, including:

Gestational Diabetes Symptoms

An estimated 9.2 percent of women, who have never had diabetes before, develop high blood glucose levels when they are pregnant. This condition, known as gestational diabetes, typically disappears once the mother gives birth. This form of diabetes is hard to identify without a blood glucose test because most women have no detectable gestational diabetes symptoms. The best way to protect you and your baby from this disease is through regular blood glucose checks once you reach 24 weeks into your pregnancy.

If you detect any of the early diabetes symptoms in women, you should make an appointment with your physician immediately. Women who catch Type 2 diabetes early enough are sometimes able to manage their condition exclusively through changes to their diet and lifestyle, without having to use insulin to control their blood sugar.  Visit for helpful tips on managing diabetes naturally, delicious diabetic-friendly recipes, and other useful advice on living with diabetes.