Health A-Z

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Clinical Definition Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental health disorder characterized by anxiety-provoking, intrusive and repetitive thoughts, behaviors, or both, performed repeatedly without an individual’s control. Treatments include SSRIs and behavioral therapy, as well as options for treatment-refractory patients. In Our Own Words Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a disorder marked, as the name

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Clinical Definition Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when breathing is interrupted, and even ceases, repeatedly as a person sleeps, sometimes hundreds of times per single night. The pause in breathing can last 10 seconds or more. Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat fail to

Occupational Asthma

Clinical Definition Occupational asthma is an obstructive lung disease caused by inhalation of specific agents in the workplace. Individuals with occupational asthma may have airway hyperresponsiveness or limited airflow due to constriction. Occupational asthma may be classified as immunoglobulin E (IgE) reaction asthma, which triggers an immune response. Asthma symptoms develop after a latency period.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Clinical Definition Omega-3 fatty acids or n-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, termed essential, as the body cannot produce them. The primary dietary source is fish such as salmon. Fish contain two kinds of omega-3s, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3s are a natural anticoagulant, plaque inhibitor and help decrease triglycerides. In Our

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Clinical Definition Omega-6 fatty acids, or n-6 fatty acids, are polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids that must be gotten from food. Found in some vegetables oils, nuts and seeds, omega-6s along with omega-3 fatty acids have a crucial role in cerebral function and normal growth and development. In Our Own Words Omega-6 fatty acids, also called


Clinical Definition Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is more prevalent with age as inflammation and joint injury cause a breakdown of cartilage tissue, triggering pain, edema and deformity. Treatment may include medication, exercise, heat and cold therapy, weight loss, supportive devices and surgery. In Our Own Words Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints, more

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Clinical Definition Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease, is a genetic disorder characterized by bones that break easily and often with no cause. People with the disorder either lack enough collagen or have poor quality collagen, the major protein in the body’s connective tissue. The features of osteogenesis imperfecta vary among individuals, from

Ovarian Cancer

Clinical Definition Ovarian carcinoma is a malignant tumor that most often originates in the epithelial cells of the ovaries, with 90 percent of affected women older than 40, and many in their 50s and 60s. The etiology is not known, but women who have an early menopause, family history of ovarian cancer or who are


Clinical Definition Ovaries are the pair of female reproductive glands responsible for producing ova, or egg cells. The ovaries are located in the pelvis on each side of the uterus close to the opening of the oviducts. The utero-ovarian ligament, which is a band of fibrous tissue, holds the ovaries in place. Ovaries in post-pubertal

Overactive Bladder

Clinical Definition Overactive bladder, or OAB, is a constellation of symptoms including urinary urgency, urinary frequency and nocturnal urination at least twice. The condition is more common with age. Treatments include lifestyle modification, behavioral therapy and antimuscarinic drug therapy. In Our Own Words Overactive bladder, also known as OAB, is the frequent urge to urinate,

Overuse Injury

Clinical Definition An overuse injury is any type of injury to the joints or bones from repetitive movements. Participating in certain sports can put stress on the bones, joints, ligaments or tendons in the body. The repetitive stress placed on the same body part can cause micro-trauma, such as tears in the muscle fibers. Over

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