6 Tips for Teens with Diabetes

Tips for Teens with Diabetes

Six ideas that make managing teenage diabetes type 2 a little easier

Being diagnosed with diabetes is hard for anyone, but it can be particularly difficult when you are a teenager. You already face a lot of changes in your life and adding diabetes in the mix can be a real challenge.  To help you live your life to the fullest, we’ve put together six of our best tips for teens with diabetes. While there is no cure for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, these tips will help you take control of your diabetes so you can enjoy a fun, healthy life. 

1. Get active

Exercise is a good idea for everyone but it is especially important for teens with diabetes type 2.  Exercising about an hour each day will help you get fit and maintain a healthy weight. It will also improve the way your body uses glucose, so it is easier to manage your diabetes. There are a lot of fun aerobic exercises you can do, such as bike riding, tennis, karate, or fast dancing. Try starting with just 10 or 15 minutes of exercise if you are not used to it and work your way up to an hour. Be sure to check your blood glucose levels before and after exercise, and keep some healthy snacks on hand.

2. Stay away from sugary drinks

Energy drinks, soda, and juices have a lot of sugar that can make your blood glucose levels spike dangerously high. Stick to drinking water, diet soda, or diet drinks like sugar-free flavored waters instead. These healthy choices will keep you hydrated while making sure your blood glucose levels stay steady.

3. Make healthy food choices

You don’t have to eat special foods when you have diabetes. You just need to make healthy food choices and watch your portion sizes. Ask your health care team to help you come up with a healthy diabetic teenager diet plan with foods you enjoy. Sticking to this diet will make it easier for you to manage your diabetes.

4. Get to a healthy weight

Getting to a healthy weight is important when you have teenage diabetes type 2 because it will make it easier for you to keep your blood glucose levels under control. It may be tempting to skip meals, but that will cause your blood glucose levels to drop dangerously low. Instead, try limiting snacks, eat smaller portions, and exercise every day. This will help you lose weight safely and gradually.

5. Ask for help

Living with diabetes can be stressful for anyone, especially teens. It’s okay to feel angry, sad, or different from others because you have diabetes. You don’t have to try to manage it all on your own. Reach out to your mom, dad, siblings, or friends to talk about your feelings when you get upset. You could also join an online support group, or your health care team may know of a teen diabetes support group nearby.

6. Don’t forget to have fun!

Having diabetes doesn’t mean you should stop having fun. This is one of the most important tips for teens with diabetes. If you find yourself getting stressed out, go do something you enjoy. Spend time with your friends, go to the movies, or read a good book. Joining a yoga or karate class is a great idea, because it gives you a fun, healthy activity to enjoy while it relieves stress. Whatever you choose to do, remember that there is much more to you than diabetes. You can have diabetes and still live a fun, full life!





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