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Nodules, Lung

Clinical Definition

A lung nodule is a rounded opacity surrounded by lung parenchyma. It is equal to or less than 3 centimeters in diameter and usually well marginated. Lung nodules may be benign tumors, such as a hamartoma or a malignancy. Growths larger than 3 centimeters are generally classified as masses and suspected to be malignancies until otherwise proven.

In Our Own Words

Diagnosis is made after a careful history, looking at the patient’s voiding diary, considering fluid intake and underlying disease. Lifestyle modifications, such as restricting fluid intake later in the day and taking diuretic (blood pressure) medication earlier can help.

Although a nodule or spot on the lung sounds serious and can be cancerous, it can also have several other causes that are not cancer. Lung nodules can develop as a result of past infections and scar tissue formation. Certain disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis, can also cause lung nodules.

Symptoms and Side Effects

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