What will it take for you to get up and get moving already?

Get up and get moving

Feeling less than motivated to work out? It happens, even to the most enthusiastic exercisers, from time to time. Here are a few ideas that may boost your drive to stick to fitness efforts.

  • Money talks. Consider buying fitness class sessions or exercise experiences on a social saving site, such as Groupon or LivingSocial. Once you’ve bought the class or experience, you’ll be forced to either attend it or waste the money.
  • Get outside — Even if you don’t consider yourself the outdoor type, by taking your exercise efforts outside, you’ll have to get dressed and walk out the front door. By then, you’re already committed. You might as well go for a walk, jog, or bicycle ride.
  • Reward yourself. Tell yourself that you can have special treats if you meet certain goals. For example, you might give yourself a “free afternoon” to do whatever you want if you get in a daily walk for a month.
  • Create a competition. Find friends, family members, or neighbors who might have a similar fitness goal. Challenge them to see who can stick with reaching the goal without giving up. Agree upon an inexpensive or free healthful prize.
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