Become a freekeh fan

Freekeh (pronounced “free-kah”) is an ancient grain, enjoyed for centuries in countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Now freekeh is gaining popularity in America.

Want to join the freekeh fan club? Here’s what you need to know.

Freekeh is made from young wheat and has a smoky, nutty flavor and a firm, chewy texture. Freekeh cooks in 20 minutes and can be substituted for rice or couscous. Enjoy freekeh as a cereal and in puddings, soups, and casseroles.

Freekeh health facts:

  • It is high in protein and fiber. One study showed freekeh has four times the amount of fiber as brown rice.
  • It is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been positively associated with preventing age-related macular degeneration.
  • As with other high fiber foods, it may help prevent constipation. It can also act like a prebiotic to increase healthy bacteria in your digestive tract.

Note: Freekeh is not gluten-free, so individuals with celiac disease should avoid eating the grain.

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