Health A-Z


Clinical Definition Quadrantanopia is a partial defect in the visual field. It involves blindness or decreased vision in a quarter section of the visual field. It may occur unilaterally or bilaterally. Quadrantanopia is often due to a stroke, head trauma or a lesion on the occipital lobe. In Our Own Words Quadrantanopia is the loss


Clinical Definition The quadriceps is a group of four muscles that covers the femur anteriorly. The four named parts of the quadriceps are vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis and the rectus femoris. These muscles arise from the proximal femur and ilium, and fuse together at the patellar tendon to insert upon the tibial tuberosity.


Clinical Definition Quadricepsplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the quadriceps femoris in order to improve range of motion in the knee. It involves releasing adhesions, which may have developed due to a previous injury. Adhesions may prevent normal flexion of the knee. Once scar tissue is removed, it may increase mobility and improve the


Clinical Definition Quadriplegia is paralysis of both arms and legs, which occurs when motor and/or sensory function in the cervical spinal segments is impaired or lost due to spinal cord damage. The result is paralysis of the upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk and pelvic organs, which may occur after a high spinal cord accident or a

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