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Uterine Polyps

Clinical Definition

Uterine polyps are growths that occur in the endometrium, or the inner lining of the uterus, formed by the overgrowth of endometrial tissues. Hormones and estrogen level variations may be involved in their growth.

In Our Own Words

Uterine polyps are growths in the inner lining of the uterus. While the exact cause is unknown, there are several theories: Hormones (estrogen and progesterone receptors) are often involved in the formation of polyps. While they are usually benign, polyps can cause abnormal uterine bleeding and fertility issues.The endometrium’s structure changes with age and with the menstrual cycle, and polyps are mostly found in women between ages 40 and 50. Many times polyps are asymptomatic.

Symptoms and Side Effects

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Heavy flow during menstrual cycles
  • Bleeding or spotting between cycles
  • Vaginal spotting or bleeding after menopause
  • Infertility
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