Author Archives: Woody Short

morning glucose levels

What Causes High Morning Glucose Levels?

What Causes High Morning Glucose Levels?

Discover why it is important to check morning glucose levels. If you check your glucose levels after waking up in the morning, you may discover that you have high morning glucose levels. If this occurs randomly it may not cause a problem, but if it seems to be a regular occurrence, there may be cause

hypoglycemia unawareness

What is Hypoglycemia Unawareness?

Are you experiencing the dangers of hypoglycemia unawareness? Hypoglycemia is a medical term used to describe low blood sugar. Normal blood sugar, in people who do not have diabetes, ranges from 70 to 100 mg/dL. When a non-diabetic’s blood sugar falls below 50 mg/dL, he can experience hypoglycemia. People who have diabetes can also experience

immune boosting foods

13 Immune Boosting Foods

Discover the various properties that immune boosting foods have and how they can help you. Your body is exposed to all sorts of viral and bacterial bugs on a daily basis. You alone can protect yourself from becoming ill by practicing good hygiene, getting enough rest and exercise, and eating foods that boost your immune

what drinks are good for diabetics

What Drinks Are Good for Diabetics?

Don’t undo a good day by drinking something you shouldn’t! Having diabetes can significantly alter the way people view eating and drinking. This means that many people question what drinks are good for diabetics as well as foods because the choices made make a significant impact on overall health. The basics of managing what diabetics
