General Health articles

How Sunburns Can Affect Your Health

How Sunburns Can Affect Your Health

From premature aging to various forms of skin cancer, recent decades have brought much greater awareness of the health risks associated with getting too much sun. However, far too many Americans still find themselves giving in to the temptation of a short-term beauty fix, neglecting the sunscreen, or simply underestimating just how damaging ultraviolet (UV)

Eating Habits to Fight Bloating

Ask anyone who has ever had it and he or she will tell you that bloating is no fun. After all, who wants to walk around feeling and looking puffy from water retention and gas? To reduce how often you end up suffering from bloating, use these tips to improve your digestive tract health. Drink

A weighty subject

Talking to a loved one about losing weight can be awkward. Approaching the topic in a sensitive, supportive way can make all the difference. To start the conversation, begin by saying: “I care about you.” “You are important to me, and I want you around for a long time.” “I want you to have more

5 keys to quitting smoking

  GET READY. Pick a quit day and put it on your calendar. Remove all cigarettes, ashtrays, matches and other smoking items from your home, office, and car. Make a list of all the reasons why you want (and need) to quit. Keep the list handy so you can read it when you get the

Separating flu facts from fiction

Yep, it’s here. Cold and flu season.   Myth: You can get the flu from the vaccine. Truth: The vaccine is made from an inactivated influenza virus that can’t transmit infection. If people get sick after getting a flu vaccination, they were going to get sick anyway.   Myth: Healthy people don’t need to be

5 ways to free your mind of “clutter”

Houses aren’t the only things that may need a spring cleaning. Our minds can find themselves in the same condition. If you’ve collected a mess of old hurts that are getting in your way and habits that no longer work, do a thorough cleaning and clear out stuff to make space for new and healthier
