Effects of Diabetes on the Brain

effects of diabetes

Are you aware of the effects of diabetes on the brain?

There are many ways that the effects of diabetes can change both brain and bodily functions. There are new studies that show there is a connection between type 2 diabetes and dementia and an overall decline in brain function of those who have diabetes. Continue reading to learn about the effects of diabetes on not only the blood stream but also thinking and memory tests.

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Diabetes Effects on The Brain

According to a study listed in the Huffington Post type 2 diabetes and dementia can be linked due to various side effects of diabetes. In this particular study, researchers studied 65 men and women, around the age of 66. Half of the group studied had type 2 diabetes and the other half did not. The main focus of the study were memory and cognition tests as well as scans of the brain to not only measure its volume but also the blood flow. This study was followed up on two years after the initial study to check for any signs of diabetes effects on the brain or any other notable changes. The following are some of the findings related to type 2 diabetes and dementia from this particular study:

  • A greater decline in gray matter was shown in those who have diabetes
  • Those who have diabetes show a greater inability to regulate blood flow in the brain
  • 65 percent of the participants with diabetes showed a decline in blood flow regulation
  • When comparing the scores of memory and thinking tests, those with diabetes had a greater decline of test scores versus those who don’t have diabetes
  • Of the participants in the study, the ones with the highest levels of blood flow impairment showed the most difficulty performing daily activities after the two years study

These are not the only dangers of diabetes on the brain. High levels of blood sugar can wreak havoc on blood vessels and the nerves. When damage occurs to the nerves it creates difficulty with both cognitive thinking skills and vascular dementia.

It has even been proven that those who have high blood sugar levels, even without diabetes have a higher risk of dementia.

Managing diabetes is the best way to combat the diabetes effects on the brain. If you are unsure about what is the best way for you to manage your diabetes, speaking to your doctor about your options is the smart way to go. Getting proper healthcare mixed with the correct treatment can help ease the effects of diabetes both on the body and on the brain.

Other Diabetes Effects on the Brain

There are other reasons that blood sugar can cause problems for the brain. If you have diabetes and allow your body to reach low levels of blood sugar giving almost immediate effects for physical state. Symptoms of low blood sugar can include; headache, dizziness, poor coordination, difficulty walking and problems talking. That being said, if blood sugar reaches severely low levels it can cause someone to pass out or have a seizure. Hypoglycemia is when your brain doesn’t notice that there are low blood sugar levels in the body and this type of disease can have serious effects on both the brain and the body. As stated above, the most important part of maintaining a healthy mind and body is properly controlling blood sugar levels and diabetes.

Controlling Diabetes

When you are able to successfully manage your diabetes and keep your blood sugar levels normal you will notice that you:

  • Are less tired and thirsty
  • Don’t have to use the restroom as often
  • Have more energy
  • Are able to heal wounds more quickly
  • Have less infections of the skin or bladder

Make sure to speak to your doctor about the type of diabetes you have, whether it’s type 1 or type 2 and learn about what you can do and where you can go for support.





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