Can virtual reality may a role in decreasing dementia symptoms? What is Dementia? Dementia is a general term that describes a large array of symptoms related to the loss of memory and various thinking skills. These dementia symptoms are normally severe enough to make the individual unable to follow through with everyday tasks and activities.…
How a Lack of Exercise Can Lead to Heart Health Issues for Women
Exercise in women is vital to avoiding heart disease. Did you know that heart health is one of the most important factors in lifestyle choices? Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death in women in the United States! Around 400,000 women die yearly from heart disease which is just as high as…
5 Ways to Combat Postpartum Depression
Learn tips on dealing with Postpartum Depression. The last thing any one expects is to have baby blues after giving birth. Unfortunately, there is a reality around postpartum depression and although it doesn’t mean that the mom is weak or unable, it just means that it needs to be diagnosed and treated. It’s possible for…
What is CBD Oil and 5 Things to Know about CBD Oil and Diabetes
See if CBD Oil is an effective tool in managing diabetes. What is CBD Oil? You may notice that it is popping up everywhere, from gas stations to the internet and is becoming a very popular remedy for any type of ailment. CBD Oil is known as Cannabidiol and is one of the compounds found…
Discover Facial Areas Prone to Skin Cancer
Don’t leave blind spots on your face vulnerable to the sun’s radiation. While everyone enjoys a day out in the sun, the aftereffects can be devasting with skin cancer a possible development from skin overexposed to the sun. Smothering sunscreen for face protection helps protect the most vulnerable areas but other smaller body parts often…
How a Prickless Glucose Monitor May Improve Diabetes Management
Discover why painless may be the way to go with monitoring sugar levels. Since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first prickless glucose monitor in 2017, the ability to manage diabetes more conveniently and effectively is changing how people monitor diabetes. Diabetes patients rely on knowing their glucose levels for their day-to-day…
How Much Water Should You Drink a Day?
Learn how to properly manage your water intake without overdoing it. While everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how much water should you drink a day is less settled. There are certain rules some people follow but how much water should you drink a day will vary depending on your body…
Diabetes in Children and Teens: What You Can Say to Help
Learn how talking to your children about diabetes can be beneficial. The number of diabetes in children is growing and many of these youth are experiencing complications that are even faster than what adult’s experience. Not to mention the increasing number of diabetes in children which has grown astronomically in the last 28 years from…
Measles Outbreak: What to Know and How to Spot Symptoms
Learn everything you to need to know about Measles Before getting into too much information about the measles outbreak we first need to touch on the definition of measles, measles symptoms and what you should expect if you, or someone you love, get it. Measles is an infection that happens in children that are caused…
What Should Diabetics Drink: 5 Drinks for Diabetics
What drinks should diabetics consume the most? An unfortunate, yet important factor for those who have diabetes is that it is necessary to be aware of what you eat and drink. This is because almost everything you eat can play a negative or positive role in controlling blood sugar levels. There is a lot of…