Learn how to protect yourself when dealing with diabetes and heart disease. With diabetes being a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, it is important for diabetics to learn how they can protect themselves. Statistics from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) reveal that adult diabetics have double the risk of experiencing a stroke or…
How Weight Loss Surgery May Improve Type 2 Diabetes
What is Weight Loss Surgery? Weight loss surgery options can help individuals lose weight and lower their risk of medical difficulties in the future. Weight loss surgery is something that makes changes to the digestive system to help an individual lose weight. This is done by restricting how much individuals can eat or by reducing…
What is CBD Oil and 5 Things to Know about CBD Oil and Diabetes
See if CBD Oil is an effective tool in managing diabetes. What is CBD Oil? You may notice that it is popping up everywhere, from gas stations to the internet and is becoming a very popular remedy for any type of ailment. CBD Oil is known as Cannabidiol and is one of the compounds found…
How a Prickless Glucose Monitor May Improve Diabetes Management
Discover why painless may be the way to go with monitoring sugar levels. Since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first prickless glucose monitor in 2017, the ability to manage diabetes more conveniently and effectively is changing how people monitor diabetes. Diabetes patients rely on knowing their glucose levels for their day-to-day…
Diabetes in Children and Teens: What You Can Say to Help
Learn how talking to your children about diabetes can be beneficial. The number of diabetes in children is growing and many of these youth are experiencing complications that are even faster than what adult’s experience. Not to mention the increasing number of diabetes in children which has grown astronomically in the last 28 years from…
What Should Diabetics Drink: 5 Drinks for Diabetics
What drinks should diabetics consume the most? An unfortunate, yet important factor for those who have diabetes is that it is necessary to be aware of what you eat and drink. This is because almost everything you eat can play a negative or positive role in controlling blood sugar levels. There is a lot of…
How to Reverse Diabetes: Is it Possible for Type 2?
A healthier diet with less sugar and carbs is one of the keys on how to reverse diabetes Although there are numerous factors as to why someone will develop type 2 diabetes, learning how to reverse diabetes can help negate health complications from the disease. With obesity and overweight being the biggest risk factors for…
These are the First Signs of Diabetes Type 2
Are you familiar with the first signs of diabetes? Learn them now. Diabetes affects about 30 million people in the U.S. and many others are undiagnosed or pre-diabetic. Sometimes the first signs of diabetes are not readily apparent and can remain undiagnosed for a long period of time. When diabetes is not managed, it can…
Type 2 Diabetes Diet Recommendations
Manage your health better with a type 2 diabetes diet plan Living with diabetes takes constant monitoring and tweaking depending on where your blood glucose level is. One of the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association’s standards of care is for diabetics to play a role in managing their own illness. Our diabetes diet guidelines…
Can Type 2 Diabetes Turn Into Type 1?
What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? Can one turn into the other? Type 1 vs type 2 diabetes: are they connected? Each diagnosis has its distinct causes and characteristics. Here, we’re going to provide some information about each of these types of diabetes and answer questions related to: “can type…