Keto 101: What to Eat, What Not to Eat, and Possible Side Effects

keto diet side effects

Keto Explained: What’s Off Limits and What are Some of the Keto Diet Side Effects?

Keto is the shortened name of Ketosis which is a diet that involves extremely low or no carbohydrates, forcing the body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis builds up molecules called ketones in the blood stream causing blood sugar levels to drop and allowing the body to break down fat to use as energy. There are some potential keto diet side effects caused by these restrictions however, which we will look into further below.

Keto Diet for Beginners:

If you are curious about taking on the keto diet, here are some keto diet for beginner’s tips – they may seem brief but they are the basis for successfully eating keto.

  • Eat small amounts of carbohydrates (20- 50g)
  • Eat moderate amounts of protein
  • Eat a large portion of fat per day

If you are confused by the guidelines and would like some more in depth descriptions of what to eat and what not to eat, keep reading to learn more tips in regards to the keto diet for beginners as well as keto diet side effects.

What should I eat on the keto diet?

  • Meat – red meat
  • Fatty Fish – salmon, tuna etc.
  • Eggs – omega- 3 whole eggs
  • Butter and Cream – grass fed if possible
  • Cheese– unprocessed cheese such as cheddar and goat
  • Nuts and Seeds – almonds, walnuts, chia …
  • Healthy Oils – olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil
  • Avocados – whole or made into dips
  • Vegetables (low- carb) – green vegetables, tomatoes
  • Condiments – salt, pepper, herbs

What should I not eat on the keto diet?

  • Sugary foods – soda, juice, cake, candy
  • Grains or starches – wheat based products as well as rice, pasta, cereal
  • Fruit – all fruit except small quantities of berries
  • Beans or legumes – peas, lentils, beans
  • Root vegetables – potatoes of any kind, carrots
  • Low- fat or diet products – often high in carbs
  • Certain condiments – condiments high in sugar or fat
  • Unhealthy fats – mayonnaise, vegetable oils
  • Alcohol – alcohol of any kind can affect the ketosis stage
  • Sugar free diet foods – sugar alcohols can effect ketosis

The down side and side effects of eating no carbs

Although the keto diet has many positive effects on health and well being, there are also some common side effects felt when the body is going through ketosis. It’s a good idea to speak to a medical professional before starting the keto diet, this can make sure that you are doing what’s best for you and your body.

The following are some keto diet side effects:

  • Fatigue – the body is elimination minerals in the body that can lead to fatigue
  • Constipation – often caused by dehydration during the keto diet. You can eat more salt and drink more water to help with this
  • Headache – because of the elimination of certain minerals and dehydration, keto can cause headaches
  • Bad breath – Acetone is created during ketosis and is a sign that your body is burning fat
  • Feeling sick – “Keto flu” is often a early keto diet side effect
  • Dizziness – ketosis eliminates minerals in your body but the good thing is is that the keto diet allows you to eat green veggies to help replace the lost minerals
  • Dehydration – the best way to avoid this is by drinking a lot of water
  • Osteoporosis – this can occur because of a lack of calcium intake
  • Problems sleeping – this could be because of low blood sugar and lack of serotonin
  • Frequent urination – your body is burning through fat and releasing a lot of water weight, especially at the beginning of the diet.

The best way to avoid certain side effects of eating no carbs during the keto diet is to make sure that you are drinking enough water, this helps hydrate you and keep you moving. You can also add more salt to your diet and make sure you are eating enough meat and fatty fish to keep you feeling good.


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