Author Archives: Woody Short

triggers of anxiety

6 Surprising Triggers of Anxiety

6 Surprising Triggers of Anxiety

You may not be aware of certain hidden triggers of anxiety that may be playing a crucial role in your current mental and emotional state. Suffering from certain mental and emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks is not that uncommon. In fact, a high number of adults and even teenagers are victims

early Alzheimer's symptoms

Early Alzheimer’s Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Are you able to identify early Alzheimer’s symptoms and find the right help for yourself or your loved one? Forgetting little things here and there is very common, and most likely happens to you and your loved ones. However, when it becomes somewhat of a pattern, it could be the cause of early Alzheimer’s symptoms,

do weighted blankets work

Do Weighted Blankets Work?

Do weighted blankets work? Discover how this could be the secret weapon to treat anxiety and other emotional disorders from which you or your family may be suffering. After learning about them, you may ask yourself, “do weighted blankets work?” and are likely curious how they can help and about their actual benefits. These are

role of vitamin D in diabetes

The Role of Vitamin D in Diabetes Type 2 Prevention

Learn more about your health: Find out what is the role of Vitamin D in Diabetes and how it affects you. Recent medical research and studies have identified the important role of vitamin D in diabetes disease, and how it can be a positive factor in a diabetes prevention plan. These studies show how a
